Webinar: Safety Experience Training – Simulation of Hazards and Risks

This webinar focuses on different training and learning methods for workers at construction sites, industry business or any other field where high-risk activities or dangerous situations can occur. The focus is on experiential safety awareness training methods with a sensory impact.|This webinar focuses on different training and learning methods for workers at construction sites, industry business or any other field where high-risk activities or dangerous situations can occur. The focus is on experiential safety awareness training methods with a sensory impact.|This webinar focuses on different training and learning methods for workers at construction sites, industry business or any other field where high-risk activities or dangerous situations can occur. The focus is on experiential safety awareness training methods with a sensory impact.|This webinar focuses on different training and learning methods for workers at construction sites, industry business or any other field where high-risk activities or dangerous situations can occur. The focus is on experiential safety awareness training methods with a sensory impact.

October 22, 2020
Webinar: Safety Experience Training – Simulation of Hazards and Risks

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