Webinar: A Learning Teams Approach to Risk Assessments

Traditional risk assessments are used by organisations to justify decisions already made and to ratify controls that are already in place. Risk assessments can become a ‘cut & paste’ exercise with little or no innovation discovered.|Traditional risk assessments are used by organisations to justify decisions already made and to ratify controls that are already in place. Risk assessments can become a ‘cut & paste’ exercise with little or no innovation discovered.|Traditional risk assessments are used by organisations to justify decisions already made and to ratify controls that are already in place. Risk assessments can become a ‘cut & paste’ exercise with little or no innovation discovered.|Traditional risk assessments are used by organisations to justify decisions already made and to ratify controls that are already in place. Risk assessments can become a ‘cut & paste’ exercise with little or no innovation discovered.

August 6, 2020
Webinar: A Learning Teams Approach to Risk Assessments

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