Safety Differently is the name given to a movement within the industry that challenges organisations to view three key areas of their business differently.
Safety Differently is the name given to a movement within the safety industry that challenges organisations to view three key areas of their business differently – how safety is defined, the role of people, and the focus of the business.
The term ‘Safety Differently’ was first coined in 2012 by Griffith University professor and best-selling author, Sidney Dekker. Since then, the movement has continued to gain traction and is now backed by its own research lab, along with multiple books, and a documentary.
In order to understand the theory behind Safety Differently, we must first consider how modern organisations currently approach health and safety. Dekker argues that traditional safety thinking is underscored by three main principles.
So is there a problem with this approach? Well, Dekker says yes. He says this line of thinking has led to a growing safety bureaucracy that is responsible for injury rates/fatality rates plateauing in recent times. And with such a heavy focus on low safety numbers, it’s possible that organisations are measuring and managing the wrong risk (Deepwater Horizon famously had a great safety record before an incident in 2010 that killed 11 people). As Dekker puts it, “if you keep people accountable for low numbers of negatives, that is what they will give you”. That is, organisations will find a way to underreport and reclassify incidents to fit the ‘Zero Harm’ agenda.
All this, Dekker says, has led to a world where people have become disengaged with health and safety at its core, where people fail to see its value. A common analogy for this problem is coaching a competitive swimmer. As we focus on teaching the swimmer not to drown (stay near the edge, wear a life-vest), we conflict with the overall goals of the swimmer. Rather than competency and common sense, we value compliance and control.
Safety Differently flips traditional thinking on its head and encourages organisations to grow safety from the bottom, up – rather than impose it from the top, down.
Register for our upcoming webinars based on Safety Differently principles. Can’t make an upcoming sesssion? Register anyway and we will provide a full video recording and podcast link after the event.
July 30 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AESTThe assumptions, principles, and practices that underpin Safety Differently in Practice – drawing upon experiences and examples for organisations.
August 6 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AESTRisk assessments can become a ‘cut & paste’ exercise with no innovation discovered and a focus on ‘Safety Work’ rather than the ‘Safety of Work’.
We also have a number of past webinars with prominent industry experts on the subject of Safety Differently. View them below.
The key aspects of Safety-II and what they mean for the way we think about managing our organisations.
An introduction to Human and Organisational Performance and the Five Principles.
Across the world, progressive companies in a range of industries are beginning to benefit from the use of Learning Teams.
What exactly is Safety Differently, different from? And what are the key principles?
Practical solutions to incident investigation based on the theory of ‘Safety Differently’.
Dr. David Provan discusses the emerging theories of Safety II and Safety Differently.