Webinar: From Reacting to Learning – The Next Step in Organisational Effectiveness

Today many organisations are driven by KPI’s and dashboards. The result of this often means that we focus on efficiency, getting stuff done quickly, as opposed to being thorough.|Today many organisations are driven by KPI’s and dashboards. The result of this often means that we focus on efficiency, getting stuff done quickly, as opposed to being thorough.|Today many organisations are driven by KPI’s and dashboards. The result of this often means that we focus on efficiency, getting stuff done quickly, as opposed to being thorough.|Today many organisations are driven by KPI’s and dashboards. The result of this often means that we focus on efficiency, getting stuff done quickly, as opposed to being thorough.

June 10, 2021
Webinar: From Reacting to Learning – The Next Step in Organisational Effectiveness

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