Safety professionals and employers are being offered the opportunity to shape Standards Australia’s (SA) new distribution and licensing framework, as the organisation works to open up access to its content.
Safety professionals and employers are being offered the opportunity to shape Standards Australia’s (SA) new distribution and licensing framework, as the organisation works to open up access to its content.
There are 15 questions posed to the public in SA’s discussion paper, including “what criteria do you think should be applied to the selection of distribution partners?”, and “how can Regulated Standards be made more accessible to the end user while maintaining the financial sustainability of the standards ecosystem?”.
SA said Australians have a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” to help design a distribution model that delivers greater reach, and more choice in how content is accessed.
The process will involve comprehensive consultation in each capital city across Australia over the next month.
Earlier this year, SAI Global lost its 15-year monopoly over Australian Standards following a decision from an independent arbitrator. Standards Australia’s has since taken steps to move beyond the exclusive distribution arrangements with SAI Global, announcing a deal with a new distribution partner earlier this month (see related article).
It is hoped that increased competition and consumer choice will drive down the price of Australian Standards.
General Manager of Strategy and Engagement, Adam Stingemore, said the important arbitration win meant SA could open up access to its content with the needs of stakeholders and users front of mind.
“Heading to each capital city in coming weeks will enable us to canvass the views of industry, community groups, business, governments, students, and apprentices and to hear firsthand what has worked well and what can improve in the future.”
“This is an exciting step towards delivering greater value and improving access to Australian Standards, to be taken following careful consideration ensuring Standards Australia’s long term sustainability and the ability to increase the reach and relevance of our content across Australia.”
Submissions can be made until 29 July 2019, with registration for the consultations available here.