
Action management

Get things done

All successful health and safety management systems rely on effective action management.

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    Plan, assign, and review staff actions and activities with myosh's Action Management Software

    MyOsh Action Management Icon

    Actions can be created and defined in every myosh module.

    Whether you’re mitigating an identified hazard, eliminating a risk, preventing an incident from reoccurring or closing out an audit finding, Actions make sure things get done.

    Actions can be assigned to a person and are tracked to determine whether they have been completed within the stipulated time.

    This ties in with Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle of continuous improvement which forms the basis of the ISO Standards.

    MyOsh Action Management Icon

    What does it do?

    • Create and assign actions to anyone with a myosh login
    • Notify the responsible person that they have been assigned an action
    • Automatically sends reminder emails before an action is due
    • Keep an audit log of changes
    • Automatically schedule reoccurring actions
    • Enforces accountability

    What reports can I create?

    • Custom build your own reports using filters to select required records, then choose the fields to display
    • Export reports to Excel
    • New actions created in date range
    • Reports showing all actions that are open
    • Overdue actions displaying any field
    • Aged summary of actions open by site, department, division or any part of your organisational structure
    • Automatically produce graphs/charts
    • Positive performance indicators
    • Lead performance indicators
    • Much more……

    How do I create an action?

    • Click ‘Create Action’ from the main menu, or
    • Click on ‘Create Action’ from within any module


    • Emails to management when due date or other key fields are changed
    • Notify recipients when an action is assigned or reassigned
    • Notify management when an action is closed
    • Weekly reminders
    • Full audit log of changes

    What happens if the action becomes overdue?

    • Email notifications are sent to management
    • Weekly reminders with a list of all open actions
    • Displays in standard reports

    *Feature availability depends on subscription tier. See a detailed feature comparison here.

    Trusted to manage and improve work health and safety for over 20 years

    the logo for a company that operates the manufacture of products
    arnot's logo with the words there is no substance for quality
    a blue and white sign that says clean away
    the logo for westfarmers
    a white and yellow logo with the words doral
    VIVA Energy Australia
    University of Australia