
Incident Reporting Old

guides the user through root cause analysis

Answer the Who? What? When? Where? Why? And How?

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    Understand how an incident occurred and take action to prevent it from reoccurring.

    The Incident Reporting module is a critical tool in any safety management system. The focus of incident investigation is prevention, and hence the myosh module is well structured and looks beyond blaming individuals. The module guides the user through root cause analysis, answering the vital Who? What? When? Where? Why? and How?

    What does it do?

    • Users can log different types of incidents – injury, environment, equipment, near miss etc
    • Nominated people can classify and investigate incidents
    • Notifications sent when incidents occur
    • Provides a structured risk based investigation process
    • Email driven sign off and authorisation processes
    • Guides root cause analysis
    • Link to or create a hazard from an incident
    • Include in KPI reports
    • Assign corrective actions from an incident
    • Remind users which incidents require their attention

    What reports can I create?

    • Customise your own using filters to select required records and fields to display
    • Export to Excel
    • Updates KPI Statistics
    • Lost Time Injuries LTIs and LTIFR (frequency rates)
    • All Injury Frequency Rates AIFR
    • Medical Treatment Injuries MTIs
    • Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rates TRIFR
    • Graphical and tabular formats, defined by different parameters – bodily location, classification etc
    • Time from logging, to investigation completion to sign off
    • KPI reports – view target versus actual for any level of your organisation
    • Much more…

    Can I configure the module?

    • Add new or remove values from existing fields through a simple to use web interface
    • Add different incident types
    • Define notification profiles
    • Use your own organisation risk matrix
    • Note : Customisational functionality varies between products.


    • User logs incident
    • Supervisor classifies and investigates
    • Authoriser signs off, sends back or refers to others for comments
    • Notifications to remind specific people to record shifts lost information


    • Integrate with payroll, HR or ERP systems for automated work hour and employee updates
    • Links to action management and hazard management modules

    Incident Reporting Demonstrations

    Logging an Incident on a Desktop

    Length : 8:52
    Version : myosh Viking
    This video demonstrates how to log an incident on a desktop.

    Incident Investigation – Part 1

    Length : 6:17
    Version : myosh Viking
    Reviewing and adding small changes to an incident that has already been created. A step before the Incident Investigation process starts.

    Incident Investigation – Part 2

    Length : 4:33
    Version : myosh Viking
    This video demonstrates how to begin the investigative part of Incident Management.

    Incident Investigation – Part 3

    Length : 6:25
    Version : myosh Viking
    This video demonstrates how to complete the Investigation process and send it off for review and sign off.

    *Feature availability depends on subscription tier. See a detailed feature comparison here.

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